Updates and News
Our news section is a record of our projects and achievements over the years. Articles and arranged by newest to oldest post. Articles can also be searched by key words here :
Progress Performance Report | November 2018
We have been working in partnership with Cape York Natural Resource Management Limited, as a part of our QFPIR2 # - Sub Program 1, 2 & 3.
Holroyd Plains Pest Management Program | Progress Report
Completed aerial control component of environmental conservation project, carried out safely and professionally and well received by landholders.
Palmer River Bellyache Bush -Survey and Control Work Milestones 1-4
Four milestones were completed in one trip by CYWAFA_INC, in partnership with Mitchell River Watershed Management Group.
Thunbergia Control Program Completion
We received a completion Certificate and Letter from the Department Of Environment and Science for completing the Thunbergia control program in our rainforest.
Thunbergia Control Program | Final Report August 2018
Thunbergia grandiflora, classified as a "Level 1" weed, has the potential to greatly expand its distribution within a suitable habitat, in this case rainforest areas.
Community Spray Unit / Landholder Feedback
Our Community spray unit loan program is going very strongly.
Strategic Gamba Grass Control Report 06/06/2018 - 26/06/2018
We were asked by Cape York Natural Resource Management to commence a Strategic Gamba Grass control program at BonneyGlen Station, Cooktown.
Progress Performance Report June-July 2018
We have been working in partnership with Cape York Natural Resource Management Limited, as a part of our QFPIR2 # Sub Program 1, Sub Program 2 & Sub Program 3.
Cape York Peninsula Wet Tropics Area -Thunbergia Control Program Report
Thunbergia grandiflora is classified as a "Level 1" weed has the potential to greatly expand its distribution within a suitable habitat, in this case rainforest areas.
Bonny Glen Land Management and Planning Final Report
We have developed an extensive land management control program in conjunction with the Gummi Junga Aboriginal Corporation. As this was a continuation of last year’s project, we started on the next milestone of our project, liaising with local landholders around Bonny Glen.
QFPI-Landholder Second Course in AC/DC Herbicide Training
We conducted the second block of AC/DC training for the Aboriginal Rangers, horticulturists and graziers who will be conducting weed control work, on their respective properties.
First AC-DC Training Course as part of Queensland Feral Pest Initiative
First AC \ DC training course for horticulturalists and graziers from Laura Valley, Cooktown, Endeavour Valley, Mt Amos and Rossville completed.
QFPI Landholder—AC/DC Herbicide Training 05/02/2018 till 09/02/2018
Conducted AC/DC training for the horticulturists and graziers who will be conducting weed control work, on their respective properties.
Feral Pest Initiative-and Christmas Greetings
Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Inc. are back at work to keep up the battle to help protect our unique environment from feral weeds and animals threats.
Thunbergia Control Program Progress Report October 2017
Thunbergia grandiflora classified as a "Level 1" weed has the potential to greatly expand its distribution within a suitable habitat, in this case rainforest areas.
Healthy Landscapes Project Launch
Recently attended Northern Gulf Natural Resource Management Group and Mitchell River Watershed Management Group’s Healthy Landscapes project launch.
Hopevale and East Coast Pond Apple Control | Final Report
We have been working in partnership with Cape York Natural Resource Management Limited,and Balkanu-Hopevale Congress Rangers as a part of our CY162 Strategic East Coast Pond Apple Control Program,
East Coast Pond Apple Project- Extension
We have been working in partnership with Cape York Natural Resource Management Limited, as a part of our Strategic East Coast Pond Apple Control Program.
Hopevale and East Coast Pond Apple Control Project
We recently completed a major Pond Apple control and Survey Program with the Assistance of the Hopevale Congress Rangers.