Holroyd Plains Pest Management Program | Progress Report
Progress Report 01/07 2018 - 31/10/2018
CYWAFA_INC completed Milestone 2 of our Community Sustainability Action grant - Round Two – Environmental Conservation.
The resources for this project have been provided by the Department of Environment and Science.
The project is progressing well, with timing of the 2018 aerial control component completed before early storms, and carried out safely and professionally and well received by landholders.
Several stations were not able to fully participate on the agreed control dates due to mustering and a paying bow hunting safari on their property.
They will be included in the 2019 run.
We were therefore able to concentrate more flying time on six of the Central Cape York Stations, and to establish grid control lines.
This was timed to be able to assist the Cook Shire 1080 baiting run on Cape York properties to compliment this control program.
Actual control numbers over six properties were 650 pest animals.
Control maps for the 2018 component will be sent through to landholders and Department of Environment and Science once completed.
Aerial culling was the chosen method for the initial reduction of pigs due to it being the most humane and efficient method in the circumstances. The area is large and remote with poor ground access and dense timber over a lot of it. This involves professional shooters in helicopters gridding the shootout zones efficiently at the appropriate times of the day, being the dawn and dusk periods.
Pigs are usually concealed in dense vegetation during the heat of the day, making them impossible to spot from the helicopter.
Shooting was done in blocks to coincide with peak animal activity periods. As the shoot progressed the numbers reduced markedly.
The pig numbers have actually increased in all areas due to the fact there has been no regular control program as such.
Anecdotal evidence from a regular local hunter supported the impression that the pig numbers are much lower in the area as a result of a regular cull program. Without it the numbers seem to increase with the onset of favourable seasonal conditions.
The groups of animals were scattered due to fact that the area has been extensively burnt. The bulk of the pigs were in the western area of the project zone. There are extensive areas of dense cover here which provide a favorable habitat for them
Number of pest animals controlled: 650
We also had 17 volunteers engaged and participating in our program.
We attended ten community events and field days to consult with people and to publicise our project. Some of these included, the Cooktown Bulls Barrels and Broncs Event held in Cooktown and The Cape York NRM Annual General Meeting.
CYWAFA_INC, Department Of Environment and Science, Landholders and Traditional Owners, are to be commended for their professionalism and willingness to get the job done.