Updates and News
Our news section is a record of our projects and achievements over the years. Articles and arranged by newest to oldest post. Articles can also be searched by key words here :
Hopevale and East Coast Pond Apple Control | Final Report
We have been working in partnership with Cape York Natural Resource Management Limited,and Balkanu-Hopevale Congress Rangers as a part of our CY162 Strategic East Coast Pond Apple Control Program,
East Coast Pond Apple Project- Extension
We have been working in partnership with Cape York Natural Resource Management Limited, as a part of our Strategic East Coast Pond Apple Control Program.
Hopevale and East Coast Pond Apple Control Project
We recently completed a major Pond Apple control and Survey Program with the Assistance of the Hopevale Congress Rangers.
East Coast Pond Apple Project (Jan-Mar 2016)
We have been working in partnership with Cape York Natural Resource Management Limited, as a part of our Strategic East Coast Pond Apple Control Program.
East Coast Pond Apple Project
We have been working in partnership with Cape York Natural Resource Management Limited, as a part of our Strategic East Coast Pond Apple Control Program,