Updates and News
Our news section is a record of our projects and achievements over the years. Articles and arranged by newest to oldest post. Articles can also be searched by key words here :
Cynthia Lui, State Member for Cook, Listens
Recently, Cynthia Lui MP, Member for Cook ,met out Traditional Owner Groups and Endeavour, Annan and Normanby Producer group.
Indigenous Discussions with Department Of Premier and Cabinet
Our Bama groups had our first meeting with Sarah from Department of Premier and Cabinet.
Helping with Cape York Biosecurity
Joined The Federal Government's Northern Australian Quarantine Strategy (NAQS) Team to go out to Producers in Our Endeavour Catchment Area.
Introduction to Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management Training
We just completed our "Introduction to Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management Training", held in Cape York.
2021 National Landcare Conference | Review
We attended the virtual Landcare conference recently.
Advancing Queensland Regions Regional Forum
We recently attended the Advancing Queensland Regions-Regional Forum in Innisfail and Tully.
Cairns and Far North Environment Centre Environmental Round Table
We recently represented Cape York at CAFNEC's Environmental Round Table, held in Atherton.
Advancing Queensland Regions Regional Forum
On Sunday 27/03/2021 and Monday 28/03/2021, we attended the Advancing Queensland Regions-Regional Forum in Port Douglas.
February Community Feedback
“a huge sigh of relief once again to have completed the task of weed monitoring and spraying in the gullies and hard to access places with the Mobile Spray Unit…”
January 2021 | Review
We are already up and running, helping out our local community members and landholders with their weeds and feral animals issues.
December 2020 | Review
Over the year, one of our proudest moments during the year was helping conduct two field days held for our local producers at Rivernook Farm.
Queensland Regional Communities Program
Attended the Queensland Regional Communities Program in Cairns on Monday 3/8/2020, hosted by the Queensland Government at Bentley Park College, Edmonton.
Coastal Catchments Focus Farm Initiative | Milestone 4
Welcome to the Coastal Catchments Focus Farm Initiative.
Cape York Progressive P2P Grazing Network | Final Report
Welcome to the Endeavour River Productivity Network Project.
Community Sustainability Action Grant | Final Report
Final Report for the Holroyd Plains Pest Management Program.
Welcome to the Endeavour River Productivity Network Project
In February 2019, Cape York Weeds & Feral Animals were successful in obtaining conservation funding under The Queensland Indigenous Land and Sea Program 2018.
Bonny Glen Land Management and Planning Final Report
In February 2019, Cape York Weeds & Feral Animals were successful in obtaining conservation funding under The Queensland Indigenous Land and Sea Program 2018.
Coastal Catchments Focus Farm Initiative | Progress Report
The project aims at exploring the efficacy of holistic management principles (specifically ultra-high cattle density) to remediate gully head advancement.
Cape York Progressive P2P Grazing Network | Progress Report
The project is piloting a new way of delivering extension services to farmers and graziers in the Endeavour and Normanby River catchments.
Welcome to 2020
Welcome to the 2020 New Year. We hope everyone has a Weeds and Feral Animals free year.