Welcome to 2020

Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Incorporated welcome you all to the 2020 New Year.
We hope everyone has a Weeds and Feral Animals free year.

We are all back at work, so feel free to call in to our office or give us a call.

We are continuing with our project from last year, which are funded by Cape York Natural Resource Management.

  • This incudes the Cape York Progressive Peer to Peer Grazing Network Project and the Coastal Catchments Focus Farm Initiative-2019-20.

  • We have also been successful in obtaining funding through our Federal MP Warren Entsch to keep up the Pond Apple Control on the east coast, from Weary Bay to South Cape Bedford. This will enable us to maintain the good work of keeping our Coast Pond Apple free. 

  • Below are some photos of our new year projects.


Cape York Progressive P2P Grazing Network | Progress Report


December 2019 | Review