Cape York Weed & Feral Animals

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Hopevale and East Coast Pond Apple Control Project

 We recently completed a major Pond Apple Control and Survey Program with the assistance of the Hopevale Congress Rangers.

  • Areas along the East Coast, from South Cape Bedford back to North Shore in Cooktown. 

  • More to be published when we finish the Final Report.

  • Essentially, the East Coast of Cape York Peninsula is mostly Pond Apple free from Weary Bay in the south to South Cape Bedford in the north, with exception.

  • There is one patch left at Amos Beach, which is still too wet to get to.

  • It will be controlled as soon as we can get in there.

  • A big congratulations and a big thank you to Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Incorporated, Hopevale Congress Rangers, and our major partner Cape York Natural Resource Management.