Community Work and Events
Our crew have been attending several community work events accross Cape York . We have been representing our members , getting the word out. We are grateful for all our opportuniies.We are here to help where we can and to listen to our community. Some of our recent events include :- 1)The Cultural Heritage workshop for Tradional owners, hosted by Lynley Wallis. 2) The Kalkajaka Traditional Owner meeting to kickstart their involvement and engagement with the Great Barrier Reef Dolphin Project, at Hopevale. 3) The Cape York NRM Horticulture Round Table held in Lakeland. 4) Visibility Control Weeds work out at Oakey for Jeff Schellberg and the Cape York Water Partnership Pilot Erosion Control Project. See our progress.
Culrural Heritage Workshop
Kalkajaka Traditional Owner Meeting for the Dolphin Survey Project
Cape York NRM Horticulture Round Table
Visibility Control Weeds work out at Oakey Creek Erosion Sites