August has been fairly hectic with midyear madness.
Tim Brooks from Carbon Removal | Biofuels | Investments, approached us about various woody weed projects and invasive site restoration projects in Cape York. He came up with two of his colleagues, Jonathan (Financier) and Carlos (GHD Engineering). We took them out and introduced them to several property owners and discussed a potential Bauhinia Monandra removal and Bio-char project along the Endeavour River Project. Also, a possibility of a Weeds removal and Biofuel project using our extensive invasive species removal to produce remote power to help alleviate our cost-of-living crisis in Cape York Peninsula.
We attended the final Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program meeting in Brisbane. We are hopeful of a way forward with our recommendation being put to the Great barrier Reef Foundation.
Held regular meetings with Australian Rural Leadership Foundation.
Helped cape york Water Partnership with their Remote Bush Roads Project.
Kept delivering on our Agrifutures Project. We signed up seven of our Annan Endeavour and Normanby Producer group to participate in our innovation Producer Technology Uptake Program.
Attended or Regular Local Marine Advisory Committee meeting in Cooktown.
Submitted Funding Applications with our NATIONAL INDEGENOUS AUSTRAIANS AGENCY
See our images of our work as it happened.