MINUTES: - AGM and General Meeting—13th September 2022 11. John Street, Cooktown Q4895

Meeting Opened (after AGMI at 5.40pm by Carl Doughboy Apologies & Attendance As per AGM

GENERAL MEETING MINUTES 13th September 2023 11 John Street, Cooktown Q4895

As per AGM.

Treasurer's Report Current Finances were presented and moved by Kathleen Elmes Seconded by T Meldrum Accepted by all.

Minutes of Previous Executive Meeting 24230517 Read and moved by Trevor Meldrum. Seconded by'Aisha De Barros Lopes Accepted by all.

Secretarial & Operations Reports were presented and moved by Trevor Meldrum. Maintopics included: Bio-Char, Applications in for "Looking after Country", Agrifutures, No Ranger funding, Community Work, Director for QCC, Advisory Panel for RRAP, NFPAP & LMAC, Query for DES, CYNRM contact, lnternationally Certified Environmental Practitioner

General Business Wage lncreases noted for all employees.

General Discussions continued while the weather drizzled, and the wind blew in the outdoor setting.

Next Meeting TBA General Meeting closed at 6.00pm

Meeting Opened at 5.1Spm by Carl Doughboy. Welcome to Members and Guests. Welcome to Country - given by Eric Rosendale

Apologies Allan Dale, Vincent Harrigan, Robyn May, Lucy Graham, Fiona Barron, Cathy Retter, Dennis & Liz Ah-Kee, Sam O'Connor, (Nursery) Liz, Barry Goody, Kathy Steffensen, Chris Hone, Neville Bowen, Jenni James, John Brisbin.

Attendees 20. including 4 via the internet. As per sign on sheet.

Thank you to all the members and new members for their support and constant interaction with the group.

Membership Currently 44 Members

Minutes of Previous AGM 2022A912 Read and moved by T. Meldrum. Seconded by Eric Rosendale. Accepted by all.

Auditor's Report for 2022-2023 Report read and motion moved to accept report and to continue with Craig Maytom CPA2227403 as auditor by the K. Elmes. Seconded by Judy lrwin. Accepted by all.

All positions were declared vacant, and thanks was given to all outgoing Executives.

A temporary Chair to elect new executives was called for and accepted by Jason Carroll. Audrey Nicholson moved that the nominees be accepted.

Chair Vincent Harrigan Unanimously elected, in absentia. Deputy Chair - Carl Doughboy Unanimously elected.

Secretary - Trevor Meldrum Unanimously elected. Treasurer - Kathleen Elmes Unanimously elected.

Meeting handed back to newly elected Vice Chair.


October News - Brief
