General Meeting | 30 November 2016
Minutes of General Meeting Held at Natures Powerhouse, Cooktown 30th November, 2016
Welcome: The Meeting was opened at 5.05pm by the Acting Chair, Eric Dick.
Attendance: As per Attendance List - 14
Apologies: Vincent Harrigan, John Giese, Audrey Nicholson, Ian McConnell, Christina Howley, Cheryl Prestipino – Lama Lama, Robert Cobon – D.A.F., Bill Byrnne – Qld Agricultural & Fisheries Minister, Zoe Bos, Dr Pam Schultz – Mitchell River Watershed Management Group, Larissa Hale - CSC Councillor.
Minutes of AGM & GM 7th Sept. 2016 were read by Trevor Meldrum: Moved as accepted: Deni Kelly. Seconded: Jason Carroll.
Treasurers Report:
presented by Kathleen Elmes on behalf of Audrey Nicholson.
Cash at Bank on 25.11.2016 was $32,649.88, which includes Project funding to be used of – Hymenachne-$4,457.19 and Pond Apple-$4,458.55.
Secretary & Operation’s Report:
A reply to e-mail 26.7.16 from The Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP on 6.10.16 regarding Navua Sedge, was received and read.
AGM’s for SCYC, Mitchell River & CYNRM were attended.
. CSC/FNQROC Carbonfarming Workshop was attended.
. No reply has been received yet for funding applications for Juunjuuwarra and Bupuguujin.
Moved – Kathleen Elmes Seconded – Deni Kelly
A reply to e-mail 26.7.16 from The Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP on 6.10.16 regarding Navua Sedge, was received and read.
AGM’s for SCYC, Mitchell River & CYNRM were attended.
. CSC/FNQROC Carbonfarming Workshop was attended.
. No reply has been received yet for funding applications for Juunjuuwarra and Bupuguujin.
Moved – Kathleen Elmes Seconded – Deni Kelly.
Contracts: Completed Accredited SCYC-Quad Bike course delivered.
Underway CYNRM Pond Apple and CYNRM Hymenachne
Upcoming Accredited QPWS-AC/DC course.
General Business:
Any weed can be put into control by “Declaring it Locally”. A bio-control resistant strain of Leucaena will soon be promoted, Corey Bell from DAF Qld advised.
. Navua Sedge is reported as heavy in the Tablelands and the south-east corner of Cape York. Control methods in wetter areas would be selective Herbicides and Timing of application -Sempra & Surfactants. Dupont is in development.
. It was noted as regrettable, even though invited, that the Dept. of Main Roads and Cook Shire Council were rarely able to attend.
. Thatch Grass has now been located in many places and Barbra Waterhouse says it is becoming a real threat. A proposal of using Flupropanate on Thatch was discussed.
. Bio-control of Rust for Rubber Vines was discussed. An appeal was made for a Cape York Nursery to aid in breeding and distribution of plants to aid control. A helpful way to stop spread, was to burn out a track through infestations for mobility.
. As the second seed of Nagoora Burr can germinate up to twelve years later, a stem borer Bio-control was favoured by Tropical Research
Next Meeting: Date to be advised.
Meeting Closed: At 5.42 pm
November General Meeting Wednesday, 30th November,2016 at 5.00 pm
Nature's Powerhouse in the Cooktown Botanic Gardens
Everyone Welcome
Please rsvp to Ph: 4069 5064 or mobile:- 0400368834
As we are looking for ways to survive, in the REDUCED FUNDING Environment,
We invite as many people as possible to attend, please. Updates on where we are at, what we have achieved, and a presentation night will be held after our General Meeting, we will also begin planning for the year ahead.