General Meeting | 6 September 2017
Minutes of General Meeting
Minutes of Previous Meetings: 19/04/17-General Meeting and 28/06/17-Executive Meeting were read by Trevor Meldrum Moved as accepted: Kathleen Elmes Seconded: Eric Dick
Business Arising from previous minutes: none
Treasurers Report:
Report was read by Kathleen Elmes on behalf of the Treasurer. Moved by Lyndal Scobell Seconded by Jason Carroll
Secretary & Operations Report:
Correspondence: E-mail notification of acceptance to the Cook Shire Council Preferred Suppliers List for 2017 was received and the following events were attended: Cooktown State School-Weed Talk provided, Rotary FNQ Field Days-participation at Mareeba, Living Landscapes/Local Livelihoods talk at Chillagoe.
Contracts Completed for 2016/17:
CYNRM-Pond Apple, Hymenachne, Hopevale Pond Apple.South Endeavour Trust-Gamba. Qld Parks & Wildlife- AC/DC Course in Coen.
Underway: CYNRM-Pond Apple, EHP-Thunbergia, EHP-Bonny Glen
Upcoming: CYNRM-Qld Feral Pest Initiative – awaiting funding. Approaches have been made and assurances given by Chook Giese, Jason Carroll, Andrew Hardwick, Desmond Tayley and Bruce Landsdowne to be on the steering committee through internet and phone hook-ups. Moved to accept this committee by John Bishop. Seconded by Jason Carroll. All attendees agreed to accept this committee.
CYNRM-Hymenachne 2017/18 – awaiting funding
Read by Trevor Meldrum Moved – Audrey Nicholson Seconded – Kathleen Elmes.
General Business:
1. A special presentation was made to John Giese for starting and guiding Cape York Weeds & Feral Animals Incorporated until now and also for the work of many years previously in conjunction with Cook Shire Council.
2. A proposal was made to send an E-mail to CSC Mayor and councillors requesting that Robyn Holmes become a member of the group and represent Council. Secretary to implement.
General Conversation: A range of topics were discussed from around the room in lively fashion.
Next Meeting: December 2017.