General Meeting | 7 January 2021

Minutes of Executive Meeting  7 January 2021

Held at 11 John St, Cooktown Qld 4895
Meeting was opened at  8am by  Vincent Harrigan :- Chair

Attendance: V Harrigan, E Rosendale, T Meldrum & K Elmes
Apologies: None    

Minutes of previous General Meeting and AGM on 7th October, 2020 read and moved by Trevor Meldrum     

Seconded by Eric Rosendale                  

Accepted by all.

Business arising from previous minutes:None

Chair’s Report:                 

Due to the allowances made by the Australian Tax Office, the  group is still in a good holding position. 

Accepted by all.
Treasurer’s Report:           

Finances as at 20210104 read & moved by K Elmes.   

Seconded  by Eric Rosendale.    

Accepted by all.      

Secretary/Operations Managers Report:      

Work Log Admin and Work Log Jobs were presented and moved by T Meldrum and Seconded by Vince Harrigan. 

Accepted by all.      

 1.  The group still have grant applications In and are waiting on delayed decisions.
 2.  The executives agree to continue with the office running from 11 John Street, where it has operated from since the beginning of COVID 19.

 3. A line of trees near the Quarantine bay car park which are currently bearing fruit was noticed by a  community member.  They are natives.. 

 4.  May or June is proposed for the General Meeting.   Advice will be sent out.

Meeting Closed  9.10 am 


General Meeting | 21 January 2022


General Meeting | 7 October 2020