AGM | 12 September 2022

11 John Street, Cooktown QLD 4895

Welcome to Country given by Eric Rosendale
Meeting Opened at 5.30pm by Vincent Harrigan.

Welcome to Members and Guests.

Apologies: Charles Lamb, Narelle Dybung, Cynthia Lui, Kim Johnson, Lew Hone, Carl Doughboy, Bob Cobavie, Greg Whittaker, Darryn Higgins, Audrey Nicholson, John Giese, Peter lruvin, Judy lrwin, Mark Read, Jason Carroll, Bob Frazer.

Late apologies: Jeff Shellberg, Barry Goody
Attendees: 14, including 3 via the internet. As per sign on sheet.

Chair's Report:

There was minimal on ground work available during 2A21-2022 for the group, so it is good to see 2022-2023 starting with two jobs already.
Membership: Currently 37 Members

Minutes of Previous AGM 2021A915: Read and moved by T. Meldrum.
Seconded by Helen Penrose. Accepted by all.

Auditor's Report for 2A21-2022: Report read and motion moved to accept report and to continue with Craig Maytom CPA 22274A3 as auditor, by the K. Elmes. Seconded by Eric Rosendale. Accepted by all.

All positions were declared vacant, and thanks was given to all outgoing Executives.
A temporary Chair to elect new executives was called for and accepted by Andrew Hartwig.

Nominations Received:
Chair: Vincent Harrigan unanimously elected
Deputy Chair: Carl Doughboy unanimously elected, in absentia.
Secretary: Trevor Meldrum unanimously elected
Treasurer: Kathleen Elmes unanimously elected

Meeting handed back to new Chair.
AGM closed.

General Meeting opened at 5.43 pm


General Meeting | 12 September 2022


AGM | 15 September 2021